In order to get PSYCHED for the game they also sent us the complete list of tropies and achievements for the game as well as the day one DLC.
Check out the full list below:
Gender equality -Win 2 events in a row, each one with a different gender driver (SP or MP)
Now its really done -Win DLC Tournament extension
Andes fight back -Win races on all DLC Andes tracks in all modes
The trees are strong -Win an online event on all Yosemite tracks
Still counts as one -Win an online event consisting of 5 or more tracks
Golden guy deluxe -Win all Tournament gold medals including DLC extension
Like a snail -Win a race without using boost
Bombproof -Win a detonator race without being blown up
AI, human - doesnt matter -Win races on all tracks (including DLC maps) in all modes in multiplayer
Bomb disposal expert -Win 20 online detonator races with more than 5 players